AbstractsWomens Studies

Animated Gender. Analysis of representation of femininity and masculinity in animated movies

by Mariia Kyselova

Institution: Roskilde University
Year: 2015
Keywords: gender, masculinity, femininity, representation, media analysis, Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, animation
Record ID: 1120680
Full text PDF: http://rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/23169


Position taken in this thesis suggests a feminist view on gender representation in some of the latest animated movies produced by Disney, Pixar and Dream Works coupled with an analysis of ‘Frozen’, ‘Brave’ and ‘How to train Your Dragon’ respectively. The main theoretical approach is built on the notion of gender being socially constructed. The reconsideration of binary gender construction presented by Judith Butler is combined here with the overcoming boundaries concept of ‘female masculinity’ offered by Judith Halberstam, and the concept of ‘homosociality’ accepted by Eve Sedgwick Kosofsky. Opposing their feminist approach to gender boundaries as “fluid” with traditional notion of patriarchy, hegemony and dominant masculinity, this research suggests detailed visual and content analysis of female and male characters in each movie.