
MINDFULNESS : Introduction of Meditation Technique & Effects with the Elderly in Home Care Services

by Tan Nguyen Van

Institution: Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu; Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu
Year: 2013
Record ID: 1132556
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/68613


Thesis Description: Research and analysis of the introduction of meditation techniques & their effects upon the elderly volunteer participants in home care services. Theoretical summary: To introduce meditation techniques and to examine the effects upon mental and physical health amongst elderly volunteers in home care. The hypothesis is that if elderly people are meditating regularly, stress and depressive effects will be reduced or greatly minimised, and may even disappear, with a view to enabling them to lead more constructive and comfortable everyday lives. The study examined how one method, Mindfulness Meditation, is capable of helping the elderly to reduce and better cope with many of the effects of ageing such as loneliness, emotional and physical stress and depression, and to show how older people could easily adapt this procedure into their lives. Methodology Summary: The research method was qualitative, focusing on data collection. The approach of qualitative researchers is the use of questionnaires, direct observation and interviews to collect data The main data were collected from work done with the volunteer meditation group of senior citizens, from books, articles and internet sources, and include my analytic observations and experiences while guiding the meditation activities of the subject group. Both questionnaires and personal interviews were conducted on a one-to-one basis with the respondents. The researcher collaborated with the respondents in an attempt to learn and practise this activity newly introduced to them. Main results: Primary results have indicated that the participant's experiences were positive following a short period of training in meditation techniques. Although this is a new activity for all participants involved, it is seen that they were successful in apprehending both the theory and practise of meditation. Conclusion: The system of Mindfulness Meditation is suitable for the older person as with those of a younger age, with potentially very positive effects upon both their physical and mental health and functions. Such meditation practises are able to help the elderly to adjust to the many changes in life they confront in their ageing, such as illness, loneliness, depression and other stresses which affect them at this time of their lives, which may help them avoid having to resort to medications which are more traditionally prescribed for these conditions.; Opinnäytetyön kuvaus: Tutkimus ja analyysi meditaatiotekniikoiden käytöstä ja niiden vaikutuksesta vanhusten kotihoidossa. Teoreettinen yhteenveto: Esitellä meditaatiotekniikoita ja tutkia niiden vaikutuksia vapaaehtoisten kotihoidossa olevien ikääntyvien henkiseen ja fyysiseen hyvinvointiin. Hypoteesi on, että säännöllinen mietiskely voi minimoida tai jopa poistaa vanhusten stressiä ja masennuksen vaikutuksia niin että he voivat elää parempaa, rakentavampaa ja miellyttävämpää arkea. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin sitä kuinka Mindfulness-meditaatio on yksi vanhusten valittavissa oleva menetelmä tekniikaksi vähentää…