AbstractsMedical & Health Science


by Sudha Kandel

Institution: Centria ammattikorkeakoulu (Keski-Pohjanmaan ammattikorkeakoulu)
Year: 2014
Record ID: 1135388
Full text PDF: http://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/71668


The purpose of this study was to investigate types of primigravidas´ knowledge regarding exclusive breastfeeding; to explore their attitudes towards and identify the possible challenges they experienced during exclusive breastfeeding period. The goal of the study was to provide knowledge for nurses and professional teams to comprehend the reasons behind early cessation of exclusive breastfeeding by new mothers, hence revising a new most competent course to boost exclusivity of breastfeeding amongst primigravidas. The research methodology was literature review with content analysis. Data has been obtained from CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Science Direct, Sage, Ovid, Books and Finnish breastfeeding articles. CINAHL and Science Direct are regularly used articles with publication period from 2005 until present day conducted in English language and within the main keywords. Inadequate knowledge and breastfeeding technique skills, demographic status (age, economic, marital, geographic, and culture) leads to early cessation of exclusive breast. A primigravida´s breastfeeding attitude depend upon the level of confidence, intention and previously breastfed oneself. Pain, soreness, discomfort, latching difficulty, infections and nipple bleeding are the unexpected nature of physical implications primigravidas experienced. The results of the study can be used to improve information and care provided to the mother through the midwives. The recommendations include solutions in improving exclusive breastfeeding results amongst primigravidas.