AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Sustainability and development of green consumer electronic products : The insights of distributors and re-sellers

by Anna Oksanen

Institution: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu
Year: 2009
Keywords: Environmentally-friendly product labeling; Imports; Consumer behavior
Record ID: 1136607
Full text PDF: http://publications.theseus.fi/handle/10024/3145


The commissioner of the study is an importer of consumer electronics products operating in Finland. During the past years, Company X has noticed the rise of the trend of environmental friendliness among consumer electronics products, in Finland, as well, as abroad. The desire of the company was to receive information regarding the sustainability and development aspects of green consumer electronics products based on the insights of four of the company’s current or former business associates, operating as distributors and re-sellers. The study adopted the qualitative approach and chose to use a semi-structured, face-to-face interview method. There common perception of the four participants taking part in the research was that, especially during the past year, green products started to surface notably in the consumer electronics industry and additionally consumers have demonstrated a certain amount of increased interest towards green electronics products. The results stipulated that, apparently the branding choices of manufacturers have a meaningful affect on what is perceived to be the availability of green products. According to the impression of the respondents, consumers may have the desire to purchase green products but it does not translate to the actual purchase behaviour of the consumers. Based on this, the respondents felt that there are obstacles between the desire and purchase behaviour of consumers, as for example the higher price of certain green consumer electronics products, which was perceived to be one of the obstacles. Overall, the respondents saw the future prospects of green products to be promising, as the shared impression and opinion was that the environmental values are just starting to get a better threshold in the industry of consumer electronics. However, the respondents emphasized that, in order to raise the demand level of green electronics, the products should be made as available as possible, to consumers by for example, providing them product related information through various promotional means.; Tutkimuksen toimeksiantaja toimii kulutuselektroniikkatuotteiden maahantuojana Suomessa. Yritys X on kuluneiden vuosien aikana huomannut ympäristöystävällisen trendin nousun kulutuselektroniikkatuotteiden piirissä, sekä Suomen markkinoilla, että ulkomailla. Yrityksen halu oli vastaanottaa tietoa vihreiden kulutuselektroniikkatuotteiden kannattavuudesta ja kehitysnäkymistä joka perustuisi yrityksen nykyisten tai menneiden yhteistyökumppaneiden näkemyksiin, jotka työskentelevät jakelijoina ja jälleenmyyjinä elektroniikkatuotteiden parissa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullista tutkimusotetta ja metodina oli puolistrukturoitu haastattelumenetelmä. Tutkimukseen osaan ottaneiden, neljän haastateltavan yleisen mielikuvan mukaan vihreät kulutuselektroniikkatuotteet ovat nousseet esiin markkinoilla, etenkin kuluneen vuoden aikana, ja myös kuluttajat ovat näyttäneet jonkin asteista lisääntynyttä kiinnostusta tuotteita kohtaan. Tuloksien perusteella vaikuttaa sille että valmistajien brandi-päätöksillä…