AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Investigation on citric acid based ph sensitive biopolymeric hydrogels and composites a solventless green approach;

by D S Franklin

Institution: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Year: 2015
Keywords: biopolymeric; citric acid; green approach; Investigation; ph sensitive
Record ID: 1185992
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/38355


Hydrogels are three dimensional polymeric structure with segments of newlinehydrophilic groups stimuli responsive hydrogels placed an attractive role towards newlinethe various researchers due to slight modification of environment causes large newlineabrupt change in their properties especially swelling behaviour of hydrogels the newlinepresent investigation was aimed to synthesis a series of citric acid based ph newlinesensitive biopolymeric hydrogels using a solventless green approach via newlinecondensation polymerization in the presence of acidic medium the addition of newlineacrylic acid or methacrylic acid added into pre polyester system resulted newlinebiopolymeric hydrogels incorporation of ha has been prepared from waste newlineeggshells resulted in biocomposite hydrogels the formation hydrogels and their newlinecomposites were confirmed using various spectral investigations newline newline%%%