AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Optical and thermal characterization of dye intercalated montmorillonites and rare earth doped materials

by Joseph K Lyjo

Institution: Cochin University of Science and Technology
Year: 2009
Keywords: Optical and thermal characterization; Dye intercalated montmorillonites; Rare earth doped materials; Clay minerals; Dyes; Self propagated high temperature synthesis; Sol gel
Record ID: 1203708
Full text PDF: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3455


The advent of high optical quality transparent nano—structured glasses, the so-called transparent glass ceramics or vitroceramics disclosed the possibility of producing nano-sized photonic devices based on rare-earth doped up—converters. Transparent glass ceramics have been investigated as hosts for lanthanide ions envisioning the production of materials that are easy to shape and with high performance for photonic applications. Rare earth doped glasses have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optical devices such as solid state lasers and optical fibers. Various photothermal and optical techniques have been successfully applied for the thermal and optical characterization of these rare earth doped materials. In the present thesis, the effective thermal parameters like thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of complex materials for various applications have been investigated using photothermal methods along with their optical characterization utilising the common optical absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. These sensitive optical procedures are also essential for exploiting these materials for further photonic applications. School of photonics, Cochin University of Science And Technology Cochin University of Science And Technology