
Structure And Dynamics Of Polymers In Confinement

by Sunita Srivastava

Institution: Indian Institute of Science
Year: 2009
Keywords: Polymers - Structure; Polymers - Reactions; Glass Transition; Polymers - Glass Transition; Polymers - Viscoelasticity; Polymer Nanocomposites; Polymer Nanoparticle Hybrids; Langmuir Polymer Monolayers; Polymers - Dynamics; Confined Polymers; Polymer Monolayers; Chemical Physics
Record ID: 1209306
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2005/1051


The thesis describes the study of structure and dynamics of polymers in confined geometry. We study the finite size effect on the dynamics of non glassy and glassy polymers. Systematic measurement have been performed to address the issue of the possibility of entanglement and hence reptation dynamics of the polymer segments in confinement. The confinement effect on the glassy dynamics has been studied for Langmuir monolayers as well as for polymer nanoparticle hybrid systems. Slow and heterogeneous dynamics are the underlined observed behavior for dynamics in hybrid systems. The available theories explains the slowing down of the dynamics as the system is cooled from the liquid state in terms of increasing cooperative motion of the molecules. The size of the cooperative region is predicted to grow with reducing temperature. Experiments, theories and simulation in confined dimensions have been motivated to detect this length scale of the cooperatively rearranging region. The surface and interface effects on glass transition were studied using measurements based on modulated differential scanning calorimetry and small angle X ray scattering techniques. The dynamical heterogeneity in glassy polymers were studied using advanced X ray photon correlation spectroscopy techniques. Our studies presented in this thesis are also an small step to contribute to the existing experimental results on studying the surface, interface and finite size effects on the morphology and dynamics of confined systems. These effects were studied for, firstly ultra thin Langmuir monolayers and secondly polymer nanoparticle hybrid systems. In Chapter 1, we provide the theoretical background along with brief review of the literature for understanding the results presented in this thesis. The details of the experimental set up and their operating principle along with the details of the experimental conditions are provided in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3 we presents our experimental results on surface morphology and surface dynamics in ultra thin Langmuir monolayer of polymers. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 discusses the result based on polymer nanoparticle hybrid systems. We provide the summary of our result and the future prospective of the work in Chapter 6. In appendix we have shown the complete derivation of the equation used in Chapter 3 for understanding the surface morphology of Langmuir monoalyers on water surface. Chapter 1 provides in detail the introduction to several aspects related with the dynamics of both glassy and non glassy polymers in confinement. It starts with brief introduction to structure and dynamics of polymers in bulk. In the next section we discuss the macroscopic viscoelastic behavior of materials followed by a very brief discussion on the common techniques used for such measurement. Further it discusses the theory and several available models present in literature to understand the dynamics of glass transition. This section is followed by discussion on surface and interface effects on structure and dynamics of such systems in…