AbstractsLaw & Legal Studies

"Urban filter on the border" for community center in Deurne, Antwerp, Belgium :

by B. Byungchan Kim

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2011
Record ID: 1243112
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:efae9f37-25a2-4aa1-a5f2-1affb05a4c67


This project starts from the perspective which both even well-designed cities and non-context cities, a new single building intervening at present cannot help making good or bad effects to the urban situation for the next change and the accumulation of those affects decides the cities’ future. Under this perspective, my project examines how a single building can act as an urban design by taking the specific urbanistic gesture in the situation that urban development has been traditionally chaotic and less planned in the absence of an over-all urbanistic plan, Deurne in Antwerp. So I seek the value which among isolated urban fragments, a public building should acquire meaningful urban configuration by putting a stimulus for recombining urban fablic. In the process of the project, I propose on urban scale to reorganize the urban fabric for revitalizing the public spaces in local communities. It was inspired by the narrow alley which people use narrow alleys as an urban livingroom sharing with neighborhoods. By each houses’ household items coming out of houses, some of them are used as a public bench for meeting neighbors and those are used as expression tools of local community by various ways of decoration or gardening in front of each houses. If we see the condition which they can stay with feeling comfortable in the space of alley, one of factors is related to good human scale which is comprised of appropriate height and width of surrounding buildings and proper enclosed space. That is to say that those alleys are working as a lively well-used public space for the local society autonomically within the given environment. Such the urbanistic proposal is continued to architectural proposal on our site, Rodekruisplein. On architectural proposal, after analyzing characteristics of existing urban spaces near site, I could conclude that surrounding elements are recognized as urban islands fragmented. It is judged that this is the reason of retired atmosphere for pedestrian and residual exterior spaces are commonly just being used for the movement or parking of cars. Under this condition, as the proposal on urban scale reorganized the urban fabric for providing various levels of public spaces in good quality, in same context I intend new public spaces made for reintegrating surrounding objects. And also on the visual level of pedestrian in the public space, it is examined consistently that the space has appropriate human scale and good quality of space in connection with surrounding context. In addition, it continues to the composition of interior spaces in same attitude.