AbstractsBusiness Management & Administration

Design of an exoskeleton arm support, which helps caregivers lift disabled clients:

by V. Stiglic

Institution: Delft University of Technology
Year: 2014
Keywords: exoskeleton; caregiving; care; elderly; disabled; lifting
Record ID: 1255885
Full text PDF: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:f6ab327b-c79f-4b16-9b81-b2b49f5fcd69


The topic of this graduation project is to “Design an arm support for a powered exoskeleton to help caregivers lift disabled clients”. It is connected to a PhD project on the Faculty of 3me in TU Delft, which aims to develop an exoskeleton for the caregiving industry. The idea is to decrease the physical and psychological stress caregivers experience when lifting and manipulating with their clients, while speeding up the caregiving process. A research was conducted, which looked at the work currently done by caregivers and the state and needs of their clients. A market research looked at the devices currently in use in the caregiving industry and a technology research examined existing exoskeletons, built for various purposes (from rehabilitation to military). A special attention was given to ergonomics of lifting with the envisioned exoskeleton as well as anthropometrics of human arms. Several concepts were developed through ideation, which all propose a form factor for the exoskeleton arm support. The most suitable concept was selected as the final concept through expert evaluation and mockup testing. In the embodiment phase, only the lower arm support was detailed in order to narrow down the scope of the project, which proved to be too wide for such a short project. Through detailing a producible design proposal was developed. A prototype of the lower arm support was built and tested with subjects, which included caregivers and naive subjects. Aesthetics, Ergonomics and Usability were looked at. It was concluded that an effective lower arm support was developed, which solves the majority of the challenges imposed by the Project Assignment and additional findings from the Analysis phase. The design proposal is not without flaws and additional work is needed to finalize the arm support to its final form, which will be able to be used in the caregiving environment. The challenges and proposed courses were determined and presented as future recommendations for the project.