
From science to narrative film: Communicating knowledge and inspiring interest in the Wedge-tailed Eagle

by Simon Christopher Cherriman

Institution: University of Otago
Year: 2012
Keywords: wedge-tailed eagle; wildlife film; Australia; science literature; sociology of science; narrative theory
Record ID: 1311430
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10523/2145


Eagles are a charismatic group of birds that have for centuries captured the attention of humans across the world. The Australian wedge-tailed eagle Aquila audax endured a history of persecution, was shot, trapped and poisoned relentlessly for over a century, but it showed remarkable resilience and today is still common throughout its range on the mainland. Because of this it forms a perfect example of the relationship between humans and their environment, and it provides an opportunity to initiate public education and inspire environmental engagement and appreciation among people. This is necessary in today’s world where the increasing disengagement between people and the natural environment has implications for conservation success. A large body of information on the wedge-tailed eagle exists in various sources (journals, books and films), but the majority of this is ‘locked away’ in the science literature which is inaccessible to many people. The objective scientific process of research and publication is aimed at broadening our knowledge base, but it has many associated problems which can make it a barrier between detailed knowledge and those wishing to access it. Most science literature also lacks the personal stories important in inspiring engagement and promoting the understanding of ecological relationships. There is therefore a growing importance for environmental science communicators to aid in the ‘unlocking’ of this knowledge to create ‘knowledge societies’ consisting of a freedom of truthful information. Wildlife film driven by a personal narrative is one way to ngage a wide audience and communicate knowledge. Such a film has not been used as a device to communicate knowledge or inspire environmental interest about wedge-tailed eagles before. Here I aim to address this by providing background information about the process of scientific research and narrative theory, which has been used to inform the creation of the fictional narrative film “A Wedged Tale,” the major component of this thesis. (A copy of the film can be found in the back sleeve of this written document).