
Forces of change

by Erik Nilsson

Institution: Högskolan i Gävle
Year: 2010
Keywords: History of religion; anthropology of religion; animism; syncretism; anti-syncretism; sea nomads; sea gypsies; Urak Lawoi; Chao Ley; Thai Mai; spirit; ghost; indigenous people; ancestors; founders’ cults; spirit cults; Theravada Buddhism; Ko Lanta; Andaman Sea; Thailand.; Humanities; Humaniora; Humanities; Philosophy, Ethics and Religion; Religious Studies; Humaniora; Filosofi, etik och religion; Religionsvetenskap; Humanities; Philosophy, Ethics and Religion; Religious Studies; Humaniora; Filosofi, etik och religion; Religionsvetenskap; HUMANITIES and RELIGION; HUMANIORA och RELIGIONSVETENSKAP; HUMANITIES and RELIGION; Religion/Theology; HUMANIORA och RELIGIONSVETENSKAP; Religionsvetenskap/Teologi; HUMANITIES and RELIGION; Religion/Theology; Sociology of religion; HUMANIORA och RELIGIONSVETENSKAP; Religionsvetenskap/Teologi; Religionssociologi; humaniora/teologi; Humanities, Theology; Religious studies; Religionsvetenskap
Record ID: 1333153
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-8073


Urak Lawoi is the name of one of the sea nomadic tribes which lives along the shores of Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia. They are spread on many of the islands in the Andaman Sea archipelago and Ko Lanta is the main settlement. Urak Lawoi is regarded as the indigenous people of the island and they live there as a minority together with Muslims and Thai-Chinese.  The traditional religion and culture of Urak Lawoi is built upon the animistic belief of their ancestors. In the last 20 years Ko Lanta has experienced a tremendous process of change caused by increasing tourism. The conditions of the Urak Lawoi and their way of life have dramatically changed. The fact that this process brings consequences for the traditional culture and religion is obvious, but in what direction is it developing? To be able to interpret and expound the material from my field studies among Urak Lawoi on Ko Lanta in October-December 2009, I have done a literature search to investigate the animistic traditions and the syncretistic nature of belief in Thailand. I have also tried to find theories about the process of religious change and the forces working behind them. In this essay I am trying to do a theoretical analysis of the field study material using theories and parallel examples I have found in the literature.