AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Inventory of hydrological measurements in Sweden; Inventering av hydrologiska mätningar i Sverige

by Ida Enjebo

Institution: Uppsala University
Year: 2014
Keywords: Hydrological observations; water stage; river discharge; accuracy; Hydrologiska mätningar; vattenstånd; vattenföring; noggrannhet; Natural Sciences; Earth and Related Environmental Sciences; Oceanography, Hydrology, Water Resources; Naturvetenskap; Geovetenskap och miljövetenskap; Oceanografi, hydrologi, vattenresurser; Master Programme in Environmental and Water Engineering; Civilingenjörsprogrammet i miljö- och vattenteknik
Record ID: 1351701
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-236667


This thesis aimed to study how different actors perform hydrological observations in Sweden. Target groups for the study were institutions that regularly measure water stage and river discharge, including water councils, water- and wastewater departments in municipalities, water authorities and hydropower companies. After the identification of the different actors, the study investigated how, where and why they perform hydrological observations as well as the way actors perceive the accuracy of these measurements. Information was collected through interviews and the development of a number of questionnaires. A total of 447 actors were contacted and 260 replied. The majority of them, 209, answered that they do not perform any hydrological measurements while the remaining 51 answered that they measure water stage. One of the main reasons for measuring is that many actors are facing water-rights court ruling. There were also several actors that stated that they perform hydrological measurements to make sure that the water body where water from wastewater treatment plants and storm water is emitted has sufficient water stage for environmental concerns. The hydropower companies replied that they, in addition to maintaining a water-rights court ruling, used water stage data to control the functioning of the plant. They also calculate river discharge based on production, floodgate position and stage. There were also seven municipalities, which stated that they had implemented a flood-monitoring model and that water stage data were used as input to the model. These municipalities and two other actors stated that they measure discharge or use a stage-discharge relationship (rating curve) to derive discharge data. However, in some cases, control measurements were lacking. Most actors used pressure sensors to measure stage. Their perceived levels of accuracy varied from ± 1 mm to ± 5 cm. Only five actors stated that they level their instruments regularly, which is a precondition for maintaining a correct data series. The results are useful for SMHI’s continued review of their hydrological network, although continued attempts to receive answers from all contacted actors would provide a more complete overview of hydrological observations. A study that thoroughly investigates how actors perceive the accuracy of their measurements would also give further knowledge in this field. ; Examensarbetet syftade till att undersöka hur olika aktörer genomför hydrologiska mätningar i Sverige. Målgrupper för studien var aktörer vars verksamhet innefattar mätningar av vattenföring och vattenstånd. De målgrupper som identifierades var vattenråd, kommunala VA-avdelningar, vattenmyndigheter och vattenkraftbolag. När aktörerna identifierats undersöktes hur, var och varför aktörerna mäter samt hur de uppfattar noggrannheter i sina mätningar. Informationen samlades in genom frågeformulär och intervjuer. Totalt kontaktades 447 aktörer varav 260 svarade på frågorna som ställdes. Majoriteten, 209 aktörer svarade att de…