AbstractsGeography &GIS

The border region : a geographical study of land utilization

by Christopher Board

Institution: Rhodes University
Department: Faculty of Science, Geography
Degree: PhD
Year: 1961
Keywords: Land use  – South Africa  – Cape of Good Hope; Vegetation and climate  – South Africa  – Cape of Good Hope; Geology  – South Africa  – Cape of Good Hope; Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)  – Environmental conditions
Record ID: 1428912
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013512


From Summary: This is a geographical study of land use in the Eastern Cape Province. The land use pattern, although related closely to the features of the natural environment, is perhaps even more closely related to the spatial variations of the man-made environment, particularly to the disposition of the different racial groups with their different cultures and economies, and to the kaleidoscopic character of the settlement pattern.