AbstractsMedical & Health Science

Manure production and nutrient management in pasture-based dairy production systems

by Walter Svinurai

Institution: University of Fort Hare
Department: Faculty of Science and Agriculture
Year: 2010
Keywords: Manures; Nitrogen  – Metabolism; Aloe  – South Africa; Pine bark; Pastures; Dairy cattle – Nutrition; Dairy cattle – Management; Dairy cattle – Feeding and feeds
Record ID: 1431737
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/475


Manure production and nutrient management in pasture-based dairy production systems by Walter Svinurai The effect of dietary treatments on nutrient excretion was determined and an attempt to improving the retention of excreted nitrogen in stored manure using Aloe ferox leaf gel (AFLG) and pine bark was conducted at a pasture-based dairy farm. The animal mass-balance method was used to determine nutrient excretion by cows fed on three dietary treatments, Lolium perrene-based treatment (LP), Lolium multiforium-based treatment (LM) and Lolium perenne- Trifolium repens -based treatment (LTF). In separate experiments, slurry from dairy cows fed LM was amended with AFLG and pine bark at concentrations of 25, 50, 75 and 100 g/l and stored under anaerobic conditions for 16 days. The highest and lowest excretions of N, P and K were observed in LM and LP treatments, respectively. Increasing dietary N improved K and N retention in milk and, consequently increased milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and N excretion (P < 0.05). The concentrations of AFLG affected N and P retention in manure (P < 0.05). The highest retention in total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) of the initial was 42% AFLG at 25g/l inclusion rate. Ammonium nitrogen (AMN) concentration increased significantly due to the interactive effect of AFLG inclusion rate and time. Pine bark powder significantly improved N and P retention in manure at all concentrations. The retention in TKN was higher (P < 0.05) at 25g/l pine bark powder than other concentrations. The interaction effect of inclusion rate and time increased iii AMN (P < 0.05). Dietary treatments significantly affected nutrient excretion, and AFLG and pine bark considerably improved N retention in stored slurry. Findings from the filed trial suggest the need for more attention on managing dietary nutrients in the post-rainy and cool-dry season when growth of pasture influenced choice of dietary treatments that led to high nutrient excretion. Field simulation of the additives to determine their efficacy and environmental hazards was recommended. Key words: Aloe ferox leaf gel, dietary treatments, nitrogen, nutrient excretion, pine bark