AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

The Sydney coalfield.

by Richard Heath. Gray

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Geology.
Degree: PhD
Year: 1940
Keywords: Geology.
Record ID: 1493174
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile130119.pdf


A geological study seeking to determine, for economic purposes, the value of the Sydney Coalfield as a source of coal supply. Limitations of the coalfield come under two main heads: a. Areal extent of the undersea coalfield. b. The distance from shore at which coal can be mined at a cost of production permitting its profitable sale. Conclusions reached are that the areal extent of seams below the Phalen Seam is of small economic importance, and that non-persistence of these seams in full thickness and quality in the undersea extension of the coalfield, will put an end to profitable mining before any limitations connected with distance from the shoreline become operative. [...]