AbstractsMedical & Health Science

The effects of moisture in grog upon dry pressed mixes containing grog

by Charles L. McKinnis

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1948
Record ID: 1502841
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/26212


"It has been found that the aging of clay-grog-water mixes before pressing proves to be quite beneficial. The purpose of the aging period is to allow the added water to disseminate throughout the mixture of clay (plastic) and grog (non-plastic) in an effort to bring about the best bonding action possible. The clay-grog-water mixture, if not aged, is of a sticky consistency; while, if the same mixture is aged for twenty-four (24) hours, it is readily workable. This process of aging has long been recognized as a "must" in the Ceramic Industry in obtaining mixtures of ideal workability" – Introduction, p. 2.