
Tree formation in the electrowinning of cadmium and a brief kinetic study of the decomposition of R.D.X. in the system R.D.X.-Al-H2O.

by Alan Thomson. Hutcheon

Institution: McGill University
Department: Department of Chemistry.
Degree: PhD
Year: 1948
Keywords: Chemistry.
Record ID: 1502987
Full text PDF: http://digitool.library.mcgill.ca/thesisfile125137.pdf


Typewritten MS. [...] With regard to the experimental portion of the survey, the electrolyte which, in several different experiments gave best results was that containing IN CdSO4, 0.1N H2SO4 (restricting the choice to cadmium sulphate). Since this concentration and acidity also approximates the conditions used in plant practice, it was chosen as the electrolyte to be used in this study.