
Scattering Effects in Long Distance Radio Propagation

by Richard Ward Bannister

Institution: University of Auckland
Year: 1970
Record ID: 1507473
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2292/2118


It is well known that the ionosphere is not a uniform and homogeneous medium. For many years studies have been made of ionospheric irregularities down to sizes of less than 1 km; some of which are associated with periodic motion caused by gravity waves, others, with turbulence phenomena. The effect of these ionospheric disturbances on conventional high-frequency radio communication links is an important study, and extends back to almost the beginning of ionospheric investigations. It is now recognised, in fact, that the Ionosphere behaves as an irregular reflector which imposes fluctuations on initially plane wavefronts as they, emerge from the medium.