AbstractsMedical & Health Science

A study of the effects of cotton seed products upon the composition of butter fat and the churnability of cream

by James Bernard McNulty

Institution: University of Missouri – Columbia
Year: 1913
Record ID: 1518111
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/15628


Practical feeders raise many objections to the feeding of cotton seed meal. In addition to various alleged evil effects on the health of animals to which no consideration will be given in this thesis, cotton seed meal has been held to have certain definite and undesirable effects on the composition of butter fat. For instance, many, though not all, investigators have found that butter made from the milk of cows fed on cotton seed meal has a high percent of olein and a low percent of volatile fats. Furthermore, other experimenters have shown that when cotton seed meal is fed with certain roughages, a very inferior quality of butter is produced. The purpose of this investigation is to make a further study of the changes produced on the composition of butter fat and the market qualities of the butter when cotton seed meal is included in the ration.