AbstractsEarth & Environmental Science

Determination of concentrating tables on Flat River ore

by J. C. Finagin

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 1914
Record ID: 1522296
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/26058


"In concentrating any ore on tables there is, theoretically, a critical point in sizing, beyond which it can not be expected to recover the valuable minerals; that is, valuable mineral finer than a certain size will go with the gangue and be lost. for instance, in the diagram of the Wilfley Table shown, the concentrates grade from coarse to fine as indicated, but instead of grading on down into very fine sizes farther up the table these finer sizes are found mixed with the middlings, tailings and slimes as indicated by the arrows. The problem is to determine the critical sizes where the divisions occur. The attempt of the following experiments was to determine these critical sizes in the concentration of the lead ores of the Flat River district" – p. [1].