
A comparative study of the defense of isolation as it appears in the art productions of schizophrenics and alcohol dependents.

by Abby Corinne Calisch

Institution: Drexel University
Degree: MA
Year: 1976
Keywords: Art Therapy
Record ID: 1541807
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1860/2703


This paper examines the defense of isolation in comparing the art productions of alcoholic and schizophrenic patients in art therapy. Raters with varied training and experience in art therapy evaluated twenty sets of art productions using a rating scale that attempted to quantify basic defensive structures as related to diagnostic categories of psychopathology.The results of this study indicate that there are noticeable psychopathological characteristics of the defense ofisolation present in all art productions represented, according to subdivisions including Ego disturbance, conflict andanxiety, reality orientation, and organicity. Differences and similarities between the scores of population groups representedare analyzed and implications drawn.The results have particular import in the treatment of alcoholism at the mental health institutes because alcoholics have traditionally received treatment geared to the arrest of the alcoholic symptomatology and have not been treated for underlying problems which may exist. This study serves to validate the concept that alcoholism manifests as a symptom of psychopathology, predominantly in the defense of isolation.In addition, this study examines the concepts of Art Therapy and reiterates its validity and usefulness in diagnosis.