AbstractsPolitical Science

Negro participation in the primary and general elections in Texas.

by Doris T Asbury

Institution: Boston University
Year: 1951
Record ID: 1547606
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/10823


Most of the benefits received by the people of a democratic state result from the ideologies of the public officials elected to office through popular vote. If a group has been prohibited the right to participate in this function, they have been denied an important role, which all citizens should assume, in democracy. This thesis seeks to ascertain the participation of Negroes in the primary and general election in Texas, and to determine whether the present system permits full Negro participation in those political processes. This is achieved by statistical data, on Texas elections, newspaper articles, personal interviews and personal observations. A survey of the primary system and the extinction of the white primary law, in conjunction with evidences of increased participation in the political process of the state, seems to permit full participation of the Negro in those processes. [TRUNCATED]