AbstractsEducation Research & Administration

The Organization, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Organized Guidance Program during the First Year in a Metropolitan High School

by Morgan Clay Moses

Institution: North Texas State University
Year: 1964
Keywords: guidance; high school; Counseling in secondary education.
Record ID: 1548721
Full text PDF: http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc164184/


The problem of the present investigation was to study the soundness of guidance practices in a metropolitan high school approximately one year after the initiation of a program of guidance services. The purposes of the study were: 1. To determine to what extent the objectives of the guidance program were met. 2. To determine to what extent students, parents, and faculty considered that the guidance program had made a contribution to the school program. 3. To determine what objective measures revealed as to the effectiveness of the guidance program.