AbstractsAstronomy & Space Science

Predicting Electron Insert Output Factors at Nominal and Extended Source to Surface Distance

by Ahmet Bulut

Institution: Louisiana State University
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Degree: MS
Year: 2002
Keywords: extended ssd; electron radiation therapy; insert output factors
Record ID: 1728264
Full text PDF: http://etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-0830102-145811/


Two Varian linear accelerators were used to test the modified sector-integration method. This method can predict the electron insert factor for arbitrary inserts at different source to surface distances (SSD). The effective source distances (SSD<sub>eff</sub>) and insert factors (IF) for several accelerators are compared. The relationship of IF and SSD<sub>eff</sub> for machine type, energy, cone size, insert size and SSD is presented. The results were fed into the electron output determination module of an existing monitor unit calculator (MUCalc) which uses the modified sector integration method. Prediction and measurements were compared for various clinical inserts at several SSDs.