AbstractsComputer Science

Visual mobile robotic navigation and mapping

by Dale H. (Dale Humbert) Lord

Institution: Missouri University of Science and Technology
Year: 2006
Record ID: 1779060
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/25035


"A novel robotic operating system (RSYS) has been developed, which will allow mobile robotics to operate in a wide variety of situations. In addition, improvements in mobile robotic navigation have been achieved through the use of a link-region mapping system. The RSYS allows programs to be written separately, yet still be able to control the robot, and have access to sensor data. The unique features of the RSYS enables it to pass large amounts of sensor data between the tasks, using very little processor time. The RSYS also permits tasks to process image data in a progressive manner, allowing the processor to focus its time on the most important parts of the image" – Abstract, leaf iii.