
Investigation of interactive teaching techniques to promote student understanding in chemistry

by Nihal Johnny Behrens

Institution: Iowa State University
Year: 2007
Keywords: Chemistry;Chemistry (Chemical education);Chemical education;; Chemistry; Science and Mathematics Education
Record ID: 1811218
Full text PDF: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/rtd/14654



This thesis focuses on implementing inquiry and the SWH format. Chapter Two of the thesis discusses the use of the inquiry format to conduct recitations focusing heavily on students' collaboration and active engagement. Chapter Three of the thesis discusses the use of the SWH approach to perform a biotechnology laboratory that was originally conducted in a traditional format. Chapter Four discusses a pilot study run in the laboratories of a science course to study the correlation between how well the students use the SWH approach and their performance on laboratory practical exam tasks. Chapter Five provides an overall conclusion for the work discussed.