AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Ranches with Wolves: How straight talk is the salvation of open range in the Northern Rockies

by James Wilson Grant

Institution: The University of Montana
Department: School of Journalism
Degree: MA
Year: 2010
Keywords: wolves; wolves and livestock; wolf depredations; wolf depredations in the Northern Rockies
Record ID: 1887822
Full text PDF: http://etd.lib.umt.edu/theses/available/etd-05262010-105050/


Since U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reintroduced gray wolves into Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho in 1995 and 1996, conflicts between wolves and livestock have increased as the wolf population has grown and expanded. Ranchers in wolf country face a changing ecology that now includes wolves as a keystone predator, and failing to adapt to the change has meant hard losses for some ranchers. In other cases, ranchers have found ways to compensate for the reintroduced predator. These ranching situations, both the unchanged and the changed, offer lessons to livestock producers who can anticipate wolves becoming part of the landscape. And the values most likely to make the transition from ranching without a viable wolf population to ranching with a viable population as painless as possible, the ranchers say, are communication and cooperation between themselves, their neighbors, wildlife managers and government trappers.