AbstractsGeography &GIS

The Star Lake gold district of Manitoba

by George. Hanson

Institution: University of Manitoba
Department: Geology
Degree: University of Manitoba
Year: 2011
Record ID: 1893759
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1993/4656


The Penniac Reef Gold Mine is situated immediately southwest of Star Lake, which is about 6 miles southwest of Ingolf, Ontario. No Geological Survey parties have visited the district; consequently the country on the Manitoba side has not been mapped geologically. Parsons however, working in Ontario under the Ontario Bureau of Mines, has mapped the geological formations to a point about 2 miles west of the Manitoba-Ontario boundary line. During the present investigation an approximate geological map has been made of the country westwards from the boundary line for 6 or 7 miles. The contacts between the Laurentian granite and the Keewatin as mapped by the writer, correspond to those mapped by Parsons on the other side of the boundary line. There are two large areas of granite in the district separated by a tongue of Keewatin schists. The contact between the northern area of granite and the hornblende schists of the Keewatin, extends in a westerly direction from Ingolf for 5 or 6 miles; it then swings to the southwest, and finally the contact runs almost due north and south. The contact between the southern granite area and the Keewatin, extends westward along the northern shore at Falcon lake, and then swings to the southwest. At the boundary line the tongue of Keewatin rocks separating the two granite areas, is about 4 1/2 miles wide; 5 miles west from the boundary line it has a width of about 5 miles, but farther west it becomes much narrower...