AbstractsGeography &GIS

Urban Community Forestry in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD: The Role of Nonprofit Organizations

by Meghan L. Rodier

Institution: Ohio University
Department: Geography (Arts and Sciences)
Degree: MA
Year: 2011
Keywords: Natural Resource Management; Urban Forestry; Urban Planning; Governance; neighborhood revitalization; urban community forestry
Record ID: 1893797
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1306425859


Since the 1980s environmental service delivery funding at both the state and city government level has been in decline, limiting urban community forestry programs. This research used governance theory to explore how Casey Trees in Washington, DC and the Parks and People Foundation in Baltimore, Maryland work with municipal resource agencies to promote urban community forestry. This in-depth analysis advances our understanding of governance theory at the citywide and neighborhood scale by examining how these local nonprofits have entered the playing field of environmental service delivery. Two neighborhoods, Petworth in Washington, DC and Franklin Square in Baltimore, were selected to address how nonprofits operate on the ground to promote change at a local scale through neighborhood revitalization. Exploring the role of nonprofits sheds light on the complexity of urban community forestry partnerships.