AbstractsPhilosophy & Theology


by Shannon D. White

Institution: Savannah College of Art and Design
Department: Painting
Degree: M.F.A.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Thesis (M.F.A.)  – Painting; Savannah College of Art and Design  – Department of Painting
Record ID: 1948174
Full text PDF: http://ecollections.scad.edu/iii/cpro/DigitalItemViewPage.external?sp=1001031


Ritual involves the focused attention and presence of mind of being fully engaged in performing meticulous tasks with diligence as a means to achieve balance, harmony and peace. The objective of this thesis is to highlight the importance of ritual in art making as a means for self-reflection and transformation in daily life. I have created a series of abstract paintings and sculptural forms that reference ritual specifically as it pertains to the practice of Japanese Tea Ceremony , which embodies all aspects of the physical properties of the tea product itself. These art pieces are made mostly of different types of tea that have been manipulated in some way to resemble other organic forms relating to tea, such as tea plants, flowers, and other abstract shapes that speak to the natural properties of the processed tea leaves. Ultimately, each artwork functions as an element in a larger site specific tea room installation. The intention is to create an arrangement of space and materials that summon the spirit of the Japanese tea ceremony yet reflect my own aesthetic notions of spirituality with an emphasis on renewal.