
Outcomes of maximal, typical, and variability in performance: a team-level analysis

by Benjamin Lee Overstreet

Institution: University of Georgia
Department: Psychology
Degree: MS
Year: 2012
Keywords: Performance, Typical, Maximal, Variability, Dynamic, Team
Record ID: 1986271
Full text PDF: http://purl.galileo.usg.edu/uga_etd/overstreet_benjamin_l_201208_ms


Performance appraisal research has almost exclusively operationalized performance using average levels of individual employee performance, or typical performance. Other aspects of performance, such as maximal performance and performance variability have emerged as important aspects of the criterion space. This study extends the emerging literature on these three aspects of performance by: a) providing the first evidence for their importance at the team level, b) simultaneously investigating the effects of team-level maximal, typical, and variable performance on objective outcomes, and c) investigating the interaction between typical performance and performance variability in predicting objective outcomes. Strong relationships were found between team typical performance and the measures of organizational effectiveness (team record, bowl game payout, and average home game attendance). Moreover, an investigation was conducted on an interaction term between typical performance and performance variability, such that there would be a stronger relationship between variability and typical performance when typical performance is high.