AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

A Wearable Gait Analysis System for Overstriding in Runners

by Ting-Ting Liu

Institution: Harvard University
Degree: SB
Year: 2015
Keywords: Engineering, Biomedical
Record ID: 2062290
Full text PDF: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:14398557


As interest in running continues growing, runners are constantly seeking ways to prevent common aches and injuries. Gait retraining to improve the biomechanics of running can affect the forces experienced by the body, and is hypothesized to lower the chance of injury and improve running efficiency. However, existing gait retraining methods rely heavily on external equipment and human analysis, meaning it is not accessible for everyday runners. The wearable gait analysis system highlighted in this project is designed to monitor running gait without extensive equipment, thus shifting gait analysis out of training centers and giving runners the opportunity to correct their gait independently. This project features IMU technology to specifically target and reduce overstride in runners. By monitoring the shank angles throughout the cycle and determining the overstride angle at time of impact, the system is able to measure overstriding with fewer than 3° of error across a variety of speeds and running styles. This measurement is then translated into live-time feedback for runners.