AbstractsBiology & Animal Science

Home-grown grain legumes in poultry diets

by Erja Koivunen

Institution: University of Helsinki
Year: 2016
Keywords: maataloustieteet
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2063888
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10138/159663


Four experiments were conducted to find appropriate inclusion levels of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (FB) seeds as a substitute for soybean meal (SBM) in poultry diets. The inclusion levels tested for pea (cv. Karita) were 100, 200 and 300 g/kg in layer diet and 150, 300 and 450 in broiler diet and for FB (cv. Kontu) 50 and 100 g/kg in layer diet and 80, 160 and 240 g/kg in broiler diet. The effect of a specific enzyme cocktail for improving the nutritive value of wheat-pea diets was also investigated in broilers. The fifth experiment was conducted to determine the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) value and the coefficients apparent ileal digestibility (CAID) of nutrients of the seeds of two peas (cv. Karita and cv. Sohvi), two FBs (cv. Kontu and cv. Ukko), and one blue lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) (cv. Pershatsvet) in broilers. Each grain legumes contained less protein than soybean SBM did. Pea inclusion up to 300 g/kg had no effect on egg production or egg quality. Pea inclusion of 150 g/kg improved the growth of broilers, while pea inclusions 300 and 450 g/kg had no effect on growth. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of broilers was similar between control treatment and treatment with pea inclusions 450 g/kg. The use of enzyme cocktail improves the nutritive value of wheat in the diet. FB inclusion decreased egg weight. Egg mass production decreased and FCR increased when FB proportion increased. FB inclusion had no effect on egg quality. Broilers growth and feed consumption decreased and FCR improved in a linear manner along FB inclusion. The CAID of protein was higher in peas and lupin than in FB cv. Kontu. Most of CAID values of amino acids (AA) followed the pattern shown by the CAID of protein. AAs in peas were well digested. The AAs were averagely digested in FBs with the exception of cysteine, which was poorly digested. The AAs were averagely digested in lupin. The AME for pea cv. Karita was higher than those of pea cv. Sohvi and FBs cv. Kontu and cv. Ukko. Lupin had the poorest AME. In conclusion, grain legumes can partially replace SBM in poultry diets. However, they replace also cereals in diets. Peas (cv. Karita) can be used at least up to 300 g/kg in layer diets and 450 g/kg in broiler diet. The use of FB (cv. Kontu) is recommended to be limited to the content of 50 g/kg in layer diets and 160 g/kg in broiler diets. Soijarouhe on eniten käytetty valkuaisrehu siipikarjan ruokinnassa. Suomessa, jossa soijaa (Glycine max) ei voida viljellä tai sen viljely ei ole taloudellisesti kannattavaa, pyritään parempaan valkuaisomavaraisuuteen ja riippumattomuuteen maahan tuodusta soijasta. Yksi tehokkaimmista keinoista saavuttaa tavoite paremmasta valkuaisomavaraisuudesta on lisätä palkoviljojen viljelyä ja niiden käyttöä kotieläinten rehuna. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli lisätä tietoutta kotimaisten palkoviljojen rehuarvosta ja käytöstä siipikarjanrehuna. Väitöskirjakokeissa selvitettiin, miten paljon kotimaista hernettä (Pisum sativum L.) ja härkäpapua (Vicia faba L.)…