AbstractsEducation Research & Administration

The Vocational Agriculture Needs of Students in Choluteca,Honduras

by Amy Jo Baughman

Institution: The Ohio State University
Year: 2016
Keywords: Agricultural Education; Vocational Education; Agriculture; Agricultural Education; Developing Country; Honduras; Vocational Agriculture
Posted: 02/05/2017
Record ID: 2135423
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1462748855


Survey research methods were utilized to conduct The Vocational Agriculture Needs in Choluteca, Honduras study. Research of current trends in Honduran vocational agriculture revealed a considerable need for this type of study. The study was guided by the problem that the specific needs of youth in Choluteca, Honduras in regards to a vocational agriculture program have not been observed or measured. No previous study had been found to address all areas regarding vocational agriculture needs in Honduras in which this study sought to explore. The researcher developed a student questionnaire incorporating questions to match objectives to be accomplished. The Vocational Agriculture Needs in Choluteca, Honduras Student Questionnaire incorporated the collection of four sections of data. Study participants responded to questions regarding demographic data, beliefs about participation in vocational agriculture, future ambitions and goals, and transportation.The questionnaire was made for distribution to students at three participating schools, Instituto Apacilagua, Instituto Siete de Mayo, and Centro Educativo Vocacional Estados Unidos de America. All schools are located around the city of Choluteca, Honduras. Results of the study have provided usable data to understand the young people’s current trends in vocational agriculture programs of the surveyed population. Advisors/Committee Members: Cano, Jamie (Advisor).