
Modular Understanding| A Taxonomy and Toolkit for Designing Modularity in Audio Software and Hardware

by Michael Lynn Hetrick

Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara
Year: 2017
Keywords: Design; Music; Computer engineering
Posted: 02/01/2018
Record ID: 2152976
Full text PDF: http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10253730


Modular synthesis is a continually evolving practice. Currently, an effective taxonomy for analyzing modular synthesizer design does not exist, which is a significant barrier for pedagogy and documentation. In this dissertation, I will define new taxonomies for modular control, patching strategies, and panel design. I will also analyze how these taxonomies can be used to influence the design of musical applications outside of hardware, such as my company Unfiltered Audio's software products. Finally, I will present Euro Reakt, my collection of over 140 module designs for the Reaktor Blocks format and walk through the design process of each.