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What are the attributes of excellence in an acute-practice occupational therapist?

by Jennifer Marjory Swan

Institution: University of Western Australia
Degree: M.H.P.Ed.
Year: 2013
Keywords: Occupational therapist; Professional excellence
Record ID: 1034880
Full text PDF: http://repository.uwa.edu.au:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=40273&local_base=GEN01-INS01


[Truncated abstract] Introduction: Occupational Therapy (OT) is an allied health profession involved with the quality and potential of life and how these may be enhanced in patients through normal, everyday occupations or activities. A vast amount of time and effort goes into OT recruitment and continuing professional development (CPD), but there is anecdotal recognition within the profession that these activities are not always successful. Current recruitment strategies do not ensure the employment of the most successful Occupational Therapists (OTs) and current CPD strategies tend to target technical competence rather than professional excellence. Is it possible to recruit and train for excellence rather than competence? For this question to be answered, we must first establish what excellence looks like in the acute OT setting. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the possible attributes that may comprise 'excellence' in an OT from the perspective of a cohort of adult, acute-practice senior OTs purposely recruited from the three Perth, Western Australia, adult tertiary hospitals. Methods and Results: A two round Delphi was utilised for this study. It was administered carefully in order to ensure all areas of concern mentioned in the literature about Delphi reliability and validity were dealt with effectively. Crucial areas such as recruitment, participant inclusion criteria, sample size, anonymity, number of rounds, feedback between rounds, consensus, and data analysis were all addressed to ensure reliable and valid results. A clear trail was laid of how this Delphi was set up to enable independent review and assessment by others. Twenty one senior OTs were recruited from Perth's three tertiary hospitals (Royal Perth Hospital, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Fremantle Hospital) according to set criteria and eighteen completed both rounds of the Delphi. Sixteen possible attributes of excellence were sourced by the researcher from the literature and provided to the participants in round one. Participants then rated them on a four point Likert scale (from 'very unimportant' to 'very important') and ranked them from one (most important) to sixteen (least important), giving reasons for their choices in both sections. In round two the participants were provided with the feedback given by their peers in round one, as well as the ranking of the attributes in order of importance as it stood at the end of round one. After reviewing the data provided, participants once again rated and ranked the attributes. Median scores were used as the most representative central tendency score when determining the rank order of attributes. This was supported by percentage scores (percentage of 'very important' rating, percentage of scores in the top four ranking and percentage of scores in the lowest four rankings). Mode and median scores were then considered... [Truncated abstract] Introduction: Occupational Therapy (OT) is an allied health profession involved with the quality and potential of life and how these may be…

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