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Novel DWT based watermarking techniques for two dimensional and spectral images for copyright protection and authentication;

by Maheswari S

Institution: Anna University
Department: Novel DWT based watermarking techniques for two dimensional and spectral images
Year: 2014
Keywords: Haar Wavelet Transform; Information and communication engineering; Watermark
Record ID: 1201360
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/22915


newlineWith widespread use of internet and other communication technologies digital multimedia is easy to duplicate but difficult to distinguish between the original and the duplicated Hence the protection of intellectual property has become a major problem in this digital age Digital watermarking is an effective solution and plays an important role in copyright protection Watermarking techniques are classified into two types viz Spatial domain technique and Transform domain technique Transform domain technique achieves more robustness as compared to spatial domain technique newlinebut it needs more computational complexity Several important issues exist in the watermarking system With respect to the problem of general information hiding a trade off is to be achieved among imperceptibility robustness and capacity Watermark extraction process is different for different types of watermarking schemes newlineBlind watermarking technique is very difficult but a necessary task for authentication and copyright protection as it may not be easy to obtain the original image or original watermark during the extraction process newline newline%%%References p.150-156

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