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Development of efficient techniques towards conservation of energy in submersible motor pumps for agriculture and irrigation;

by Sundaram M

Institution: Anna University
Department: Conservation of energy in submersible motor pumps
Year: 2014
Keywords: Electrical engineering; Energy efficiency; Submersible motor pumps
Record ID: 1205035
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/16070


India needs to conserve energy in electrical utilities so as to newlineovercome the electricity shortage being faced throughout the country. The newlineElectricity generation has got significantly improved in the country during the last ten years; but still, the gap between the energy requirement and the newlineenergy generation is very large due to Increased Industrial load, Inferior newlineQuality, Losses, Large number of Agriculture Pump-sets, and Improvement in newlinethe Standard of Life of the average Indian. Demand for electrical energy for newlineirrigation purposes has been growing steadily in India. Moreover, water newlineresources in the country have been dropping continuously for the last one newlinedecade due to less rain-fall and more usage. The farmers have to be educated newlinein the area of energy conservation and proper utilization of available resources in the country. Macro-level data clearly suggests that the electricity consumption in agriculture has been increasing along with the increase in the area irrigated by groundwater. Based on the report submitted by National Productivity Council (NPC) to Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), it is clear that the scope of energy-savings in Agriculture-Sector is around 27786.97 Million Units, out of the 92335.28 Million Units of consumption. newlineThe Submersible Induction Motor losses can be reduced by design optimisation and bringing in improvements in manufacturing methods. In recent years, researchers have been using soft-computing techniques to determine the parameters for optimum-design of industrial type Induction Motors. In these methods, the optimisation of design parameters of Submersible Induction Motor is not feasible due to the cost involved in the manufacturing process.%%%

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