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New median algorithms for image denoising and impulse noise removal in speech signals with reduced jitter;

by Uma maheswari O

Institution: Anna University
Department: New median algorithms for image denoising and impulse noise removal in speech signals with reduced jitter
Year: 2014
Keywords: Adaptive length median filter; Image processing; Impulse noise; Impulse noise removal; Information and communication engineering; Median algorithms; Speech signals
Record ID: 1207794
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/27180


In image processing images are often corrupted by positive and negative impulses stemming from decoding errors or noisy channels Both are easily detected by the eye and these errors degrade the image quality In the presence of impulse noise reasonable noise suppression can be achieved by nonlinear filters where linear filters will smear the edges while smoothing newlinenoise Thus the use of nonlinear filters in image processing has been important One of the most popular nonlinear filters for impulse noise removal is order statistics filter The most commonly used order statistics filter is median filter since it is easy to implement and removes impulse noise while preserving edges New median based algorithms are proposed to address specific newlinesignal processing problems such as removal of jitter and random height impulse noise in speech signals removal of positive and negative impulses simultaneously in images to avoid false alarm and to study root signals and their spectral behavior newline%%%

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