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Design and implementation of fractional order based CDM piand#955;dand#956; controller in so2 emission control process;

by Maheswari C

Institution: Anna University
Department: Design and implementation of fractional order based CDM piλdμ controller in so2 emission control process
Year: 2015
Keywords: Carbon monoxide; Chlorofluorocarbons; Flue Gas Desulphurization; Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization
Record ID: 1210995
Full text PDF: http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/34121


Main emissions from the industrial flue gases are carbon monoxide CO nitrogen oxide NOX sulphur oxide SOX chlorofluorocarbons CFC and air borne inorganic particles such as fly ash soot and other trace gas species These gases are considered to be responsible for heating up the atmosphere producing a harmful global environment Among these gases sulphur dioxide SO2 play a predominant role in atmospheric chemistry and contributes to acid rain as it dissolves in water to form sulphuric acid Excessive exposure to sulphur dioxide severely affects eyes lung and throat Also sulphur dioxide is toxic to a variety of plant life and may produce visible signs of injury and reduces crop yields In accordance with the environmental conservation act and environmental rules it is mandatory to install Flue Gas Desulphurization FGD plants to absorb SO2 from the flue gas before it is exposed into the open atmosphere Efficient removal of SO2 can be achieved by using wet FGD techniques There has been a rise in interest in using various reactants for Wet Flue Gas Desulphurization WFGD techniques Among all a treatment process using recycled sulphuric acid H2SO4 with externally added hydrogen peroxide H2O2 absorbents are materialized to be effective and it used in the present research Based on the concentration of SO2 the flow rate of externally added hydrogen peroxide is regulated to achieve the maximum newline%%%appendix p144-156, reference p157-167.

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