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Simulation and synchronization of distributed real-time systems; Simulering av distribuerade realtids system i Stateflow och TrueTime

by Joakim Leuhusen

Institution: Linköping University
Year: 2010
Keywords: Realtime; distributed; network; syncronization; TrueTime; Stateflow; Natural Sciences; Computer and Information Science; Information Science; Naturvetenskap; Data- och informationsvetenskap; Systemvetenskap; TECHNOLOGY; Information technology; System
Record ID: 1368859
Full text PDF: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-52784


Today we are very much dependent on different kinds of real time systems. Usually,a real time system is a system which is interacting with a physical environmentwith sensors or activators. There are many advantages by replacing mechanicalcomponents with electrical ones. For instance, it is usually cheaper and possibleto add new functions to the device without replacing the electronic part, whichwould have been necessary with a mechanical one.The possibility of simulating a distributed system is used throughout the vehi-cle industry. With the simulation of connected sub systems, using modeled busesand real time kernels, one could increase the correctness of the behavior of the sys-tem and consequently decrease the amount of time spent later in the developingprocess.In this master thesis we used modeled CAN-buses and real time models tosimulate the connection and execution time of the systems. The simulation resultsare used to validate the functionality of the distributed system. Additionally, aworst-case response time analysis is made to set timing constraints on the systemto fulfill given deadlines.During the work, different settings of the network are tested to analyze thesystem frequency needed to sustain deadlines and correctness on the network.

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