Abstracts Biological Sciences

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A design-based study of the effect of an evolution education short learning programme on the conceptual development of participants with a view to theory building and improvement of practice

by Xenia Sophia Kyriacou

Institution: University of Johannesburg
Year: 2013
Keywords: Evolution (Biology) - Study and teaching
Record ID: 1431698
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10210/8680


This research focused on two short learning programmes in evolution education offered by the Department of Science and Technology Education in the Faculty of Education of the University of Johannesburg. The broad purpose of the study was to develop design principles for a series of short learning programmes on evolution offered by the University. In achieving these aims, the study looked at teachers’ conceptual understanding of evolution, which included a number of common myths and misconceptions; folk or naive evolutionary explanations; and affective and sociocultural factors that influence cognition. Results were obtained from questionnaires, narratives, observations, discussion, and pre-and post-tests. A fruitful analytic tool was developed – that of converting questionnaire responses into narratives in order to obtain a better within participant view of coherent versus fragmented thinking. Some the themes that emerged included the cognitive bias of essentialism and how this relates to the notion of phenomenological primitives or p-prims, and the mechanism of resubsumption. "Hot" and "cold" learning and the critical issues of both religious and racial objections to evolution emerged as a fairly dominant theme. Data also supported a view of knowledge-as-pieces rather than theory-like in this knowledge domain. Poor teacher knowledge and the need for longer learning programmes, are also discussed in the results. To mitigate these conceptual and affective barriers, a number of design principles are proposed and discussed for teacher professional development in this area including the importance of communities of practice to augment short learning programmes and support on-going professional development.

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