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The impact of enrichment programs on the performance of gifted science learners

by Erasmos Charamba

Institution: University of South Africa
Year: 2013
Keywords: Giftedness; Enrichment; Enrichment programs; Gifted science learner; Science education; Academic performance; Pre-test; Differentiated curriculum; Post-test; Experimental group
Record ID: 1436575
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10500/14261


In the majority of schools gifted learners are given the same quantity and quality of academic work as their non-gifted classmates. In some cases gifted learners are left to look after themselves when they are done with class work or worse still, asked to teach their non-gifted classmates. Some educationists advocate for a differentiated curriculum between gifted and non-gifted learners. This study sought to establish the impact of enrichment programs to gifted Science learners. Forty gifted learners were identified and drawn equally into one of the two groups — experimental or control. These learners wrote a pre-test after which the twenty learners in the experimental group received enrichment. The forty learners then wrote the same post-test to assess their understanding of the concepts learnt. The cycle was repeated but with a different topic. Learners’ marks were compared and it emerged all twenty learners in the experimental group performed better than those in the control group. Gifted learners should therefore be given enrichment as it deepens, broadens, and sharpens their understanding of concepts.

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