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Economic scheduling of steam boiler plant shut downs for targeted availability

by Daniel Pieter Els

Institution: University of Johannesburg
Year: 2011
Keywords: Production scheduling; Steam-boilers
Record ID: 1442783
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10210/4105


In the highly competitive environment in which all companies have to operate, it is becoming more and more important to optimise the amount of time a piece of equipment is down for scheduled repairs and the scheduling of these repairs. In this dissertation the equipment that is considered are the seventeen Babcock Borsig designed boilers situated on the Sasol Secunda site. A schematic drawing of these boilers is shown in figure 1. This drawing does not include the Electrostatic Precipitator that is located at the outlet of the boiler. The main function of the seventeen boilers on the Secunda site is to supply process steam to the rest of the factory. With each of the plants that are supplied with process steam having its own needs at any point in time, ensuring that enough steam is available in the system becomes an extremely important issue. The reason for this is that the plants that are supplied with process steam form a train and if one of the plants can not produce to full capacity, the down stream plants are also affected. The secondary function of the boilers is to supply steam to ten turbines for the generation of electricity. This means that any steam that the factory is not using is used for the generation of electricity. The ten generators can not supply the full need of the factory and the rest is drawn in from the national electricity supplier. It is thus best to generate as much electricity as possible. With the price of electricity varying during the year, winter being more expensive, the time when a boiler is off becomes critical. To ensure that the necessary process steam is available the long term plan of the factory is used to calculate the year budget for steam required by the factory. But as with everything plans do change and a short term plan is used to ensure that enough process steam is available for the factory.

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