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Validity of the Astrand-Ryhming nomogram for moderately active adult females

by Jean Marie Eberhart

Institution: California State University – Northridge
Department: Department of Physical Education.
Degree: MA
Year: 1977
Keywords: Physical fitness.; Dissertations, Academic  – CSUN  – Physical Education
Record ID: 1532266
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/122039


The purpose of this study was to compare the Astrand-Ryhming nomogram using the pulse rate-work load measure or the pulse rate-VO2 measure as predictors of maximal oxygen consumption with actual MaxVO2 measurements in order to establish the most appropriate means for predicting MaxVO2 from submaximal work for the female population described in this study. Twenty-seven female university students registered in general physical education classes served as subjects for this study. A bicycle ergometer, submaximal work test was used to predict MaxVO2 using the Astrand-Ryhming nomogram. Following an approximate fifteen minute rest period, subjects worked to maximum through gradually increasing work loads. Measures observed at maximum were compared to the predictive measures monitored at submaximal work levels. Body composition was assessed using the hydrostatic underwater weighing method to calculate body density for inclusion in data for VO2 ml/kg FFM, VO2 ml/kg body weight and to describe the population in terms of percent body fat. Statistical methods employed were: Correlation Coefficient to determine significant relationships between actual measured MaxVO2 and the Astrand-Ryhming predictive measures of MaxV0 2; and Correlation Matrix and Regression Analysis to determine the best predictive measure of MaxVO2 for the study. (See more in text.)

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