Abstracts Biological Sciences

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Non-standard requisitioning process improvement : cost and benefit analysis of implementing the Automated Non-standard Requisitioning System (ANSRS) within Submarine Forces, Pacific (SUBPAC)

by Mark Santacroce

Institution: Naval Postgraduate School
Year: 1997
Record ID: 1685398
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/10945/8741


This research evaluates the Automated Non-Standard Requisitioning System (ANSRS) to determine the feasibility of implementing this technology as a replacement to the manual nonstandard procurement processes currently employed within Submarine Forces, Pacific (SUBPAC). Manual nonstandard procurement processes for both surface ships and submarines, as well as the prototype ANSRS process implemented on several surface ships and shore commands, are discussed, diagrammed, and quantified. These processes are then compared and contrasted, and the appropriate conclusions are derived. The primary conclusion is that ANSRS should be implemented within SUBPAC, contingent upon the resolution of several significant problems

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