Abstracts Geography

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Developing a Natural Resource Database for Georgraphic Information System

by Khaled M. Hassouna

Institution: Virginia Tech
Department: Forestry
Degree: MS
Year: 1997
Keywords: GIS; natural resource management; maps; virginia
Record ID: 1686577
Full text PDF: http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-3151793973981/


Geographic information systems ( GIS ) are an effective tool for land management. By studying the land formations and land cover of a site, much information about the tree and animal species inhabiting a site can be estimated. The managers of public or private lands may find the concept of a multi-layer analysis of their land useful in discriminating locations based on their many characteristics. I created a database of a small area with no previously specified objective. I produced a group of map layers emphasizing the methodology and the ability of making any number of overlays or combinations of layers. I estimated the time and cost involved in producing these layers. I produced layers of: elevation, slope, aspect, watershed-depression, watershed-flow direction, watershed-streams, and roads. I created a group of categorized data layers: elevation, slope, aspect, erosive slope, watershed-flow accumulation, buffered roads, and buffered streams. I made some combinations of different layers explaining the potential uses of such combination. I used the work of my graduate colleagues to illustrate the importance of such work when combined in natural resources management. Combinations were made of: forest cover, average temperature, solar radiation, and slope position.

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