Abstracts Chemistry

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by John Heslar

Institution: University of Kansas
Department: Chemistry
Degree: PhD
Year: 2009
Keywords: Physical chemistry
Record ID: 1859607
Full text PDF: http://hdl.handle.net/1808/5939


The study of the electron correlation and quantum dynamics of many-electron atoms and molecules in the presence of intense external fields is a subject of much current importance in science and technology. While experimental breakthroughs constantly challenge theorists, the reverse is also true, with theorists suggesting new experimental paths and novel ways to reach exciting regimes where new physics can be explored. For example, we have recently developed ab initio methods and applications to study time dependent quantum dynamics of atoms and molecules which cannot be understood by traditional perturbation theories. Moreover, currently there exist no adequate methods capable of studying the dynamical role of the individual valence electron to the high-order harmonic generation (HHG) and multiphoton ionization (MPI) processes in strong fields. Such a study can provide insights regarding the detailed quantum dynamics and HHG mechanisms, as well as the optimal control of strong-field processes. To advance this strong-field atomic and molecular physics, this dissertation aims at the developing new theoretical formalisms and accurate computational methods for ab initio non-perturbative studies of atomic and molecular processes in intense laser fields. The new methods developed allow in-depth and precision studies of strong-field phenomena for multielectron systems. In this dissertation we investigate the role of electron correlation in dynamics of multielectron systems subject to strong fields. We present a time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT), with proper asymptotic long-range potential, for nonperturbative treatment of multiphoton processes of homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules in intense ultrashort laser fields. A time-dependent two-center generalized pseudospectral method is presented for accurate and efficient treatment of the TDDFT equations in space and time. The procedure allows nonuniform and optimal spatial grid discretization of the Hamiltonian in prolate spheroidal coordinates and a split-operator scheme in the energy representation is extended for the time propagation of the individual molecular spin-orbital. The theory is applied to a detailed all-electron study of multiphoton ionization (MPI) and high-order harmonic generation (HHG) processes of N2 and CO molecules in intense laser pulses. The results reveal intriguing and substantially different nonlinear optical response behaviors for N2 and CO, despite the fact that CO has only a very small permanent dipole moment. In particular, we found that the MPI rate for CO is higher than that of N2. Furthermore, while laser excitation of the homonuclear N2 molecule can generate only odd harmonics, both even and odd harmonics can be produced from the heteronuclear CO molecule. Next, we present a complex-scaling (CS)-generalized pseudospectral (GPS) method in hyperspherical coordinates (HSC) for an accurate ab initio and accurate treatment of the electron structure and quantum dynamics of two-electron systems. The six-dimensional coupled…

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