Abstracts Philosophy, Religion, and Theology

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The Transcendentalist hip-hop movement

by Justin Michael Atwell

Institution: Iowa State University
Year: 2012
Keywords: Henry David Thoreau; hip-hop; Margaret Fuller; Midwest; Transcendentalism; American Literature; American Studies; Literature in English, North America; Music
Record ID: 1983277
Full text PDF: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/etd/12263 http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3270&context=etd


This thesis compares and contrasts the 19th-century American Transcendentalists with modern independent Midwestern hip-hop artists. The views and works of the Transcendentalists and hip-hop music and culture have greatly impacted and altered American identity. Though the views and works of artists in both movements are incredibly diverse, they center around a belief that mainstream society is not reaching its full potential. These seemingly disparate movements align through their espousal of simplicity as a means of self improvement, their exploration of the natural world as a place of physical and spiritual healing, and their approach to feminist thought.

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