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Consistency or Discord: A Meta-Analysis of Police Officer Decisions to Search and Use Force

by Philip C Bolger

Institution: University of Cincinnati
Department: Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services: Criminal Justice
Degree: PhD
Year: 2013
Keywords: Criminology; Police; Search; Force; Meta-analysis
Record ID: 2007864
Full text PDF: http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ucin1385131083


A substantial amount of research has been conducted to identify the most influential predictors of various police behaviors. Attempts to summarize the works, however, have so far been primarily limited to narrative literature reviews. While these works are important contributions, there are inherent methodological weaknesses to this approach; such as the inability to eliminate subjectivity from the process. Following a recent summative manuscript by Kochel et al. (2011), this dissertation applies the meta-analytic method to the police decisions to search and use force against citizens. Through this method, three objectives are attempted: 1) identify the key correlates of police decisions to search and use force, 2) evaluate whether the same correlates extend across different police decisions, and 3) assess the empirical support for existing theories on police decision-making. The resulting analysis found that the primary correlates of police decisions were situational characteristics, but the specific variables within the situational characteristic category varied across decisions. Unfortunately, assessment of the empirical support for police decision-making theories was not possible because each theory included too few variables with a sufficient number of effect sizes to be adequately evaluated.

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